Tuesday, November 05, 2019

The Bethany Bullet Sermon Message - Week of November 3, 2019

At the heart of a ‘Renaissance of the heart’, personal transformation is faithful worship. 

All Saints Sunday reminds us of these three truths:
V  Worship is a "We" event.  When we enter God's presence in worship, though deeply individual and intimate, we find ourselves in His company as well as the company of saints on earth and those in heaven.  Our faith, our journey is not a game of solitaire.  We are not in this thing alone and worship clearly reveals that truth.

V  Worship is a "wee" moment.  While in the wide sense worship is also our very life (Romans 12; which we will discuss next week) worship in the narrow sense (worship service) is a small sliver of time.  If "church" "runs long" and last an hour thirty five, we still spend less than 10% of our Sabbath in God's house.  This small sliver of time is a moment in a much larger reality.  Heaven and earth collide as we stride into a sanctuary and while we might check our watches while in church, while in worship we are on the "eternal clock."

V  Worship is a "weeeee" experience.  Whether in a chapel or a cathedral, whether under a basilica's dome or a starry sky, whether joined by thousands or just two or three, worship is always a thrilling rush when we realize God Himself with His gifts comes to us in worship. 

-Pr. Kevin Kritzer


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