Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Bethany Bullet Sermon Message - Week of October 27, 2019

Thank you, thank you!  Like the apostle, at Bethany we give thanks for all of you in our prayers!

A special word of thanks this morning for everyone who made both our 75th anniversary and Oktoberfest celebrations such joyous and wonderful occasions!

Of course every day is a day to celebrate the truth that Jesus loves us and Jesus lives for us!  Jesus died for us and Jesus rose for us!  Jesus speaks to us and Jesus saved us!  Jesus also CHANGES us!  Jesus transforms us!  

In fact, Jesus works a Renaissance within each heart that holds Him, and into which He is planted, as Lord and Christ.  The heart of the Renaissance is Jesus and His Word.  In His Word Jesus goes to work, like a master artist, shaping and transforming us! 

As Jesus’ words are put into practice, we find His renewing Renaissance work ever on-going in and through us.

Last month (October) during our First Sunday of the month Evening Service (YES, we have a Service on the First Sunday of each month at 6:30PM) we explored the Scripture that declares our Renaissance begins with “receiving.”

We used the following prayer to help us receive:
“Gracious Lord Jesus, take from me my sin,
Relieve me from all that burdens me, lighten all that weighs heavily on my heart, mind and spirit.  
I am ready to receive what You have to give.   
Grant me Your forgiveness anew. 
Give me strength to believe Your Word, regardless of what my experience is saying.
Give me strength to follow where You lead, no matter what the cost.
Give me strength to resist temptations, however great they may be.  

Dear Lord, I come to You that I might receive all You have to give:
Your grace for one as guilty as me
Your wholeness for all my brokenness
Your abundance ------ for I lack so much
Your faithfulness ----- though I am prone to stray
Your love that exceeds comprehension.

Dear Lord I come to You that I might receive all You have to give
….for only then can I be prepared to give as I have received.
This month Sunday November 3rd at 6:30PM we hear Jesus call to “abide” in Him.  A Renaissance of the Heart begins with “receiving” and it continues and grows as we “abide” in Him.
-Pr. Kevin Kritzer


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