Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Bethany Bullet Sermon Message - Week of May 20, 2018

“They were all together in one place.”

While the Pentecost account’s ending: the falling of the Spirit, the birth of the church and the spreading of the Gospel to the ends of the earth is what we tend to focus on, its beginning is certainly worthy of additional meditation.  Before the disciples were sent everywhere, they were summoned to that place where God is present in a profound way: worship.  Prior to the disciples being scattered across the globe, they were gathered before He who created the world.  “They were….all together….in one place.”

The first Pentecost is like any “birthday” worthy of celebration.  On that day God gave birth, through the Spirit, to the Christian Church.  Of course, like any birthday worth celebrating, the wonder of life is found in the living thereof.  Thus, for us modern day disciples, Pentecost is not simply a celebration of a past event; it is a daily living out of the life that has been given.  We, who gather in worship before the Creator of all things and who are summoned into the presence of God in Word and Sacrament, are sent to be messengers of that same Word and scattered as those through whom the Lord will continue to create faith and bring others into a living relationships with Himself.

We are His scattered and sent people!  As His scattered and sent people we also send others to the ends of the earth by our stewardship support.  One of our Missionaries, who was gathered with us in worship Sunday at Bethany, Britt Odemba will be leading chapel tomorrow.  You are always welcome to join us for chapel on Wednesdays at 9am

Another of the missions we support as a congregation is Fikisha and click HERE for a greeting from Sam.
*If unable to open link, please copy/paste this into your browser to view video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bnHhKZ-g48&feature=youtu.be

-Pastor Kevin Kritzer


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