The Bethany Bullet - Week of January 8, 2017
term Epiphany means manifestation or
revelation. The Epiphany, in its narrowest sense, is the celebration of
the Magi reaching the Christ child and His family and presenting their
gifts. Of course, the veneration of the Magi could only take place
because of the Incarnation itself. That the God of the universe,
uncreated, self-existent, who is not dependant on anyone else ever chose to
become man, in Christ, is a life affirming reality. The truth that the
eternal Word, without beginning and without ending, who spoke and all things
came into being, was Himself formed in the womb of Mary for this purpose: that
He might live a perfect life for us, then on account of our sin sacrifice His
life to redeem our lives, in order that by believing in Him even though we die
we might live – a life affirming truth indeed!
happy with life, disappointed, disgruntled, distraught about life?
know that God views you and your life as being of such worth that He would take
a mortal’s life and offer it up so you might live. Life is intrinsically
sacred because it is God’s creation and in His own incarnation God dignifies
our lives. The real treasures of Epiphany are not gold, frankincense and
myrrh but the life of Christ and new life through Christ.
-Pastor Kevin
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