Monday, February 17, 2014

The One Year Bible- February 17th

This is the 11th year that I have read through the Bible using "The One Year Bible" format.  It has been a profound blessing to me as I read God's powerful word daily and then write some of my thoughts and insights.  I will freely admit that over the years I have recycled many of my thoughts.  In doing so it turns out that this year I am a week ahead of myself in these posts.  So, to get us back on track I am not posting anything new this week, instead I will be honest enough to say please forgive me if you have done this study before and it seems like deja vu as you read my notes.  If this is your first time going through this study, well, I guess you know my secret.  Each week I do review my notes and make some updates etc.  Thanks for your understanding and for your commitment to reading God's Word daily and deeply. 


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