Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Bethany Bullet - January 14, 2014

Anyone who has been keeping count, attending, planning or serving at the numerous funerals held recently at Bethany realizes that we have been living with dying recently. 

If you missed Rev. Dr. James Lamb’s sermon: “Living with Dying” you can hear it through our podcasts.  For more information about Lutheran’s for Life check out www.lutheransforlife.org. If you have any questions are would like to further discuss Biblical declarations and practical implications of God as the Author of life, and our lives not being our own please join us for a  ‘Q & A’ session this Wednesday, January 15 in the Parish Lounge at 7:30PM led by Dr. Lamb.

This coming Sunday we recognize the Baptism of our Lord and just as significant our baptisms into Christ. 

Please click HERE to watch a video we have put together about Baptism.  
*If you are unable to open the link, please copy/paste this into your browser to watch: http://vimeo.com/58503129.

-Pastor Kevin Kritzer


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