Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The Bethany Bullet - November 19, 2013

When something happens that we thought never could or that we prayed never would, we tend to say, The end must be coming.” At times this is tongue in cheek and at times it is with all seriousness. The End of ‘this age’ is a serious matter.  Clearly for ages folk have pondered if the events in their days were not a ‘sign’ of The End

The Old Testament reading for the second to last week in the church year recorded Malachi’s ponderings, “I live in days when good is called evil, when evil is called good; and in which wrong doers are lauded, applauded and even rewarded for doing wrong! It can’t go on much longer; the end is near Lord is it not?” - (PKP i.e. Pastor Kevin Paraphrase)  Obviously, The End is nearer for us than it was for Malachi, in fact, St. Paul says so when he writes, The end is nearer now than when we first believed.”  Much nearer now than when he first wrote that epistle and a bit nearer now than when you started to read this Bethany Bullet. But tabulating, calculating, speculating, and determining when The End is coming is not what our Lord had in mind for the Christian life.

2000 years ago, as recorded in Luke, Jesus identified the very things we identify as signs of The End“Nation against nation, wars, famine, earthquakes and other natural disasters” to name a few are listed in Luke 21.  Yet, what we ultimately find out from our Lord is that nothing need pass that has not passed for The End to arrive.

Our God, in Christ, as passed through the birth canal and become fully human (while yet fully Divine). Jesus “passed” the law’s requirements as He “knew no sin.”  Though innocent of sin in Christ, God passed from life to death as on the cross He suffered and died.  Then, joy of joys, our Lord passed over from death to life, Alleluia!  Nothing need pass that has not passed for our Lord to return.

So instead of “passing our days” seeking signs of The End with each “passing” horror or “mind blower” we ought to pass on the faith

·         For the Christian life is not about determining when the End is going to be but finding comfort in a God who has put an end to the enmity between heaven and earth.  So rather than being a sign seeker…live as a sign sender – by putting an end to existing enmity between yourself and others; for you have been forgiven freely, freely forgive.
·         The Christian life is not about determining when the End is going to be but resting in the certainty that Christ has ENDED the separation that existed between a Holy God and fallen people.  So rather than being a sign seeker live as a sign sender - by inviting someone you care about to end their separation from worship.  
·         The Christian life is not about determining when the End is going to be but to rejoicing that He said, “It is ended!” Which means YOUR guilt is gone (far as east from west). So rather than being a sign seeker live as a sign sender by hearing the Lord’s voice a fresh; his pardon is yours, so put to end regrets to rewinding and replaying the minds memory of yesterdays transgressions and move forward as new creation in Christ, which includes passing on opportunities to remind others about things you’ve already forgiven. 
·         The Christian life is not about determining when the End is going to be but holding with confidence that His promise to never leave nor forsake you means that NOTHING will put an end to HIS commitment, care or compassion for you. So rather than being a sign seeker live as a sign sender by putting to an end any apathy toward the lost, any complacency with your witness or any pride in your service.

The End is coming indeed, in the End determining when the End is, is not what our life is to be about, but rather bearing witness to He who is the beginning and the ending; is in the end what we are called to be about until the End.

-Pastor Kevin Kritzer


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