Wednesday, December 16, 2020

The Bethany Bullet Sermon Message - Week of December 6, 2020




Link to Online Worship Video for 12/6/20 – HERE 

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Link to Outdoor Worship (8:00AM service recorded) for 12/6/20 – HERE 

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Link for printing Sunday’s Bulletin for 12/6/20 – HERE 

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Link to Bible Discovery Resources for 12/6/20 – HERE 

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Sermon Message: 

“Stir Up Your Power Among Us, O Lord, and Fill Us with Repentance” 


Text: Luke 3:1-18 


Many of the Advent accounts recorded in Scripture are testimonials that God has changed addresses.  Though once dwelling in a tabernacle and temple, our God tabernacled in the flesh at Jesus’ incarnation and now dwells within the body of His Son (the Church, a people - not merely a building the church.) 


No longer is a stone structure the primary place to connect to the Creator, no longer a facility the main source of mercy.  No longer is a pilgrimage needed to seek God’s favor.  God dwells among us, He dwells within us. 


These accounts of Advent, (mentioned above) remind us that Advent is about repentance, faith and fleeing


Advent is about repentance.  Confessing our sin.  Telling the truth about ourselves.  Admitting that at times we confined God inside a stained glass box.  Advent is about repentance.  Daily turning to Him and confessing that we are guilty of impurity and unworthy of His presence and company.   


Advent is about faith.  Trusting that God is for us and with us, that He covers us in Christ’s grace and dwells within by His Spirit of power.  Advent is about faith, certainty that our God has come to deliver us from righteous indignation, just condemnation and His holy wrath in Christ. 


Advent is about fleeing.  We flee to God and find deliverance from sins consequence - guilt and eternal death, we flee to God and find an ever present shepherd and guide who accompanies us through life’s maze.  Advent is about fleeing and as we do we find we don’t have far to go for our God is right here, wherever we are whatever we are going through.  For He has in His Advent had a change of address and He who lived for us now lives among us and within us. 

-Pr. Kevin Kritzer 



President’s Message to the Congregation 

December 6, 2020 


We have a lot of “don’t haves” right now. We don’t have worship in the sanctuary. We don’t have our regular family of believers gathered together as some people attend worship in person and some attend remotely. We don’t have Carol. We don’t have a school filled with children. We don’t have coffee and doughnuts. And all of these things can make us feel a bit sad. 


But there are things we do have...  

We have an amazing staff. What is our primary Call here? It is to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And our ministers, our teachers, and our support staff continue to do that even in the midst of all the chaos going on. I know that they are working more hours and harder than they ever have. But they do so because of their commitment to share the Good News to our members, our students, and our community. So, on behalf of our congregation, I want to say thank you to our whole staff for your dedication to your Calls. 


We have each other – our Bethany family. I have been a member here for a long time. I have seen changes in buildings, in staff, and in members. But one thing that continues to remain constant is that we continue to be a family of believers – a family that supports, uplifts, and prays for each other.  

Now sometimes, like any family, there can be differences of opinion. I say that because in the past few weeks I have had communications with people who have different opinions. Some feel we should be in the sanctuary and not have any restrictions. Others feel we should not be open at all - that we are risking people’s health by being here. And there are differences of opinion on other things as well.  

Differences of opinion – all with the best of intentions.  


What I want everyone to know is that all decisions that are being made are being based on a number of considerations, but three things are key

  1. Our primary call to continue to proclaim the Gospel of Christ.  
  2. Our call to minister to our members and community. Third, our call to do what is in the best interest of the entity of Bethany Lutheran Church. And, based on my history here, I know that at the end of the day we will work through these differences of opinion and continue to be a family – because we are a family.   
  3. And most importantly, we have Jesus Christ. Hebrews 13:8 tells us that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. And that will never change regardless of all the chaos in the world. So, let’s all remember to hold tight to Him.   
-Bob Lange 





Worship Resources for Sunday, December 13th will be up on Bethany’s website by midday Saturday, December 12th.  


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