The Bethany Bullet Sermon Message - Week of Sunday, April 21, 2019
He is Risen!
The prophet Isaiah
foretold of Jesus' suffering and death with words like, "Stricken and
afflicted by God, pierced for our transgressions, crushed for our iniquities,
by His wounds we are healed."
Isaiah also foretold
of the victories this suffering Servant would bring upon His return after this
suffering Servant has "Seen the light of life" and defeated death.
In the 65th chapter of the prophecy bearing his name, Isaiah wrote that
in His "new heavens no earth there would be no more: crying, dying or
sighing and no more absurdity, calamity and animosity." Of course,
here and now in this world, as Luther calls it a “veil of tears"; in these
days of crying, dying and sighing, in these days of absurdity, calamity and
animosity we have a Servant whose suffering has secured our peace, healing and
His resurrection
fills us with such and such flow from us to others in these days...until that
day foretold by Isaiah and captured in the Easter creed, "Christ has died, Christ is Risen, Christ will come again!"
Kevin Kritzer
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