Bethany Bullet for Week of May 28, 2017
Sermon: “God’s
People: Helpful”
Text: 1 Peter
In his first
epistle St. Peter portrayed the Gospel in all its beauty and clarity. We,
unworthy to enter God’s presences; we, undeserving of God’s love; we, unable
through our own efforts or merits to garner a welcome from heaven; we, “who
at one time were without mercy”; we, “who at one time were in utter
darkness”; we, “who once were not even a people”; have through God’s
own action in Christ Jesus “received mercy, been brought in God’s marvelous
light and become a people…a chosen people. Because of the precious blood
of Jesus, a lamb without blemish or imperfection.” (I Peter 2)
The author of this
epistle, the artist who so magnificently paints a verbal picture of the Gospel
for us continues by portraying what the Christian life looks like. Peter
declares that we are God’s people: Holy,
Humble, Harmonious and Helpful.
We are holy on
account of Christ.
H – is
O – wn
L – edger is
Y – ours
His righteousness,
purity and perfection credited to us through faith. Thus as His holy
people we will…For
H – is
O – wn
L – ikeness
Y – earn
And to
H – is
O – wn
L – eading
Y – ield
As His people we
shall, like our Lord, humble ourselves by not thinking more of self than we
ought and by considering others more important than self.
As His people we
will live in harmony. Insisting on unity in Essentials; offering liberty
in Non-Essentials and striving for charity in all things.
The final picture
St. Peter presents is one of God’s people as helpful. Helpful seems to
lack punch and pizzazz does it not? Often people use the word in a rather
sarcastic way, “Oh that was helpful.” Some would suggest that we beware
of those coming to offer help, especially if unsolicited.
Helpful might need
a little help, hence the visual…
This piece of art
hangs in my office. Many years ago the hands simply fell off; reminiscent
of the traditional tale of a cathedral in Europe. During the Great War a
cathedral was heavily damaged by bombing. The congregants felt blessed
that the statue out front of the sanctuary that beckoned worshippers into the
sacred place was almost unscathed. The only damage it suffered was that
the hands of Christ were sheared off. Rather than repairing the statue
the congregation decided to place a plaque at its base that read, “In this
world, we are Christ’s hands.” Those words echoed a poem written by St.
Teresa of Avila centuries earlier, “Christ has no body on earth but ours, no hands,
no feet, on earth but ours.” That poem echoes Peter’s final
portrait of Christian living presented in his epistle as God’s people as a
helpful people. For the lost and lonely, for the hurting and hungry, for
the struggling and sorrowing, we are His hands.
-Pastor Kevin Kritzer
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