Wednesday, April 06, 2016

The Bethany Bullet for the Week of April 3, 2016

“Unabashed Testimony: Generous God, Generous Life”
Text: Acts 5

The great crescendo of Easter is found, not when believers gather together to celebrate the Resurrection, but when believers go into the world to annunciate the Resurrection. 

The texts of the 2nd Sunday of Easter from John 20 and Acts 5 both show how the first disciples did so with those who came to them in need of hearing the Good News (like Thomas) and to those they went to in need of that same life saving message of Christ (like those assembled at the Temple and the Sanhedrin).

Our God who sent His Son to be our substitute, sacrifice and Savior, our God who sends His Spirit to be faith’s creator and sustainer, sends us into the world that through us others, who haven’t seen, might yet believe that Christ is Risen indeed!
-Pastor Kevin Kritzer


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