Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Bethany Bullet - August 25, 2015

“The Wise man built his house upon the rock, the wise man built his house upon the rock...” 
That familiar Sunday school song comes from Jesus’ parable at the end of the “Sermon on the Mount.”

As we approach the end of our H2Oh! Series we need to admit that this text is unlike others we’ve waded through.  These waters are not physical; this text is an aquatic analogy. 

Unlike other H2Oh! Stories this one does not include God’s actual working through water.  Rather He (in the person of His Son) uses the metaphor of meteorological mayhem; the destructive power of flash floods and gale force winds can have upon local construction…to point Fto the only way V to survive the storms of life.

Jesus isn’t focused on liquid but rather on the truth that in a fluid world, where things much bigger than yourself may come at you from out of nowhere…there is no solid ground to be found other than The Rock, Faith’s Foundation – Jesus Himself!

V  Resting on Christ we have a solid hope for the future!
V  Resting on Christ we have a solid witness in the present. 

-Pastor Kevin Kritzer


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