Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Bethany Bullet - October 21, 2014

Bethany’s Blueprint, our congregational core values and guiding principles, calls us to be people who Share Intentionally.  For many of us we have some trouble with sharing.

Yes, there is some trouble in sharing. 

There is the trouble of culture.  (Many of us probably recall the admonition to avoid three topics in public discourse:  sex, politics and religion.  Of course, if you listen to talk radio or watch cable TV apparently the list is down to one, the one thing that culture says is to be kept personal and private – faith.)

There is the trouble of the little voice.  You’ve heard it I’m sure.  It warns you of the risk of offending the one to whom you are talking or the risk of needing to be put on the spot defending what you are talking about: God, the Bible, and the Church.  

There is the trouble of the big choice.  When should I speak?  Which time is the right time? 

In his letter to them, Paul thanked the Philippians for “sharing in his troubles.”  The trouble of sharing is one thing; sharing in troubles in something else entirely.  Paul’s list of troubles is quite extensive in his note to the Corinthian Christians.  (You can read it for yourself in II Cor. 11:23-29)

To share in the troubles of others means we are intentionally connected to others in such a way that when they hurt, we hurt; when they grieve, we grieve; when they are weak, we uplift; when they feel alone, we stand by their side, etc.  Thus, in taking a cue from the Philippians, the trouble with sharing is often overcome as we share in the troubles of others.

V  When we are connected to people personally we are afforded to share that which is most personal according to culture: our faith.  
V  When we care for one another we earn the right to share the news about the One who cares for all: our Lord.
V  When we know what is going on with someone we know when to share with them that which matters most: our God, who has taken our troubles upon Himself in Christ.

-Pastor Kevin Kritzer


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