Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Bethany Bullet - March 27, 2012

Wanting to be with Jesus is a good thing correct? Desiring to be found in Jesus’ company in glory is good, right, and salutary – Amen? Jesus Himself said, “Knock and the door will be open to you.” Mark, for his part, concluded chapter 9 and began chapter 10 with 5 stories about entering the kingdom. Longing to enter the kingdom, aching to be with Christ in eternity is a result of spiritual maturity, is it not?

Asking Jesus to ‘grant and give’ as well as ‘to provide and produce’ is in keeping with His instruction - true? “Ask and it will be given you.” Having confidence and conviction that you can address the Lord with a question is worthy of commendation, right? In fact, John and James had seen this in action; in both chapters 9 and 10 individuals (courageous enough to come forward) approach Jesus with a request. They are seeking what only He can give – a miracle. Trusting that Jesus will listen and welcome a supplication goes hand-in-hand with faith, right?

Wanting to be recognized as one of His is more than appropriate – accurate? Immediately before our text Jesus had just told His followers that those who have left family, property, community, and duty for His sake will be given 100 times as much in the kingdom. So wishing to be identified as one of His is a response of faith, right?

So with all that being said and having established that…

· Wanting to be with Jesus,

· Willing to make requests of Jesus

· Wishing to be known as one of Jesus’

Is a solid summation of faithful devotion…then, why is it that when James and John display such – they are rebuked?

“You don’t know what you are asking. Can you drink the cup I drink or be baptized with the baptism I am baptized with?” (Mark 10:38) Make no mistake about it, those words are a rebuke. Why is it given?

Perhaps we need to begin with the question, James and John recognized Jesus would be in glory and they wanted to be there. They saw in Christ the ability to grant a request and so they asked without doubt. Their desire included the longing to be seen as one of Jesus’. So they asked, “Let one of us sit at your right and the other at your left in your glory.”

It is at that point that the 10 become indignant with the pair. Many a preacher, commentator, and author have commented on this indignation. Often what is preached, postulated, and penned is the opinion that said indignation was partially due to the fact that the pair had beat them to the punch; as they too would have liked to make the same request. ‘Power grabs’ always tug at the human heart.

The real issue at stake in our text is not wanting to be with Him, to be seen as His and being willing to request such; James and John sought to elevate themselves over their brothers in the faith and such is an insult to the church and Her Lord. For the aim of discipleship is serving Him not ruling for Him but serving like Him!

-Pastor Kevin Kritzer


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