Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Bethany Bullet - November 29, 2011

Matthew 14:24

The disciples found themselves in the middle of the sea tossed by the waves. Change a word here and there and we have found ourselves in the same situation haven’t we?

  • In the middle of life tossed by a crisis…
  • In the middle of a relationship tossed by pressure…
  • In the middle of a divorce tossed by guilt or regret…
  • In the middle of a school year tossed by an overload…
  • In the middle of a ‘Bullet’ tossed by a wandering mind…

The disciples did what sailors do - they battened down the hatches, trimmed the sails, bailed and bailed…and then bailed some more.

Then they saw something more terrifying than the storm they were fighting, a figure walking toward them on the water. As we discover it is Jesus, we respond with the same reaction as the fishermen - the center of the storm is the last place you expect to see God.

We know we will see Him in Word & Sacrament and in Christmas concerts & Easter services. Where His Word is read and prayers are said, we expect to see Him. And for good reason, for there, He has promised to be! It is His presence, in those places, He has bound Himself. It is our faithful experience and participation in them as well, that enables us to see Him where others least expect Him, the center of the storm.

Yes, we learn what the first disciples did, in the chaos and tumult of life is where our Lord does some of His finest work.

That is why He can say to ALL in the middle of *____________ tossed by *____________,

(*fill in the blanks)

“Take courage; don’t be afraid, it is I!

-Pastor Kevin Kritzer


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