Friday, October 28, 2005

Prepare for Worship

Worship is more than just an hour on Sunday. We worship God all week long. Sunday morning (or night or Monday) is the highpoint of the week. It is a time for us to bring praise to a Living, powerful, gracious God. During this time God speaks to us through His word and comes to us in Baptism and Holy Communion. Each of us should spend some time preparing for this time. Think of it like practice. Most teams spend some time in practice before the big game. Our big game will be in heaven, but we experience a foretaste of the feast to come each Sunday. So to get ready I challenge you to read the scriptures ahead of time. Read the text for the sermon and start thinking about the words that you will hear. How can you do this? I'm glad you asked. I will be posting the readings for the coming week as well as the sermon theme and text here on this blog. It will take some time to get in the habit, but preparation will help make Sundays the best day of the week. So... let's get started.

For this week:
Old Testament Lesson: Jeremiah 31:31-34
Psalm: 46
New Testament Lesson: Romans 3:21-28
Gospel: John 8:31-36

Sermon Title: "On the Road Again...the Journey in Jesus...Road Hog"
Text: Luke 15:11-32- "The Prodigal Son"

Take some time to read these passages, pray and reflect on them so you will be ready for worship on Sunday.

You can read them on line at

May God bless you as you study His word.


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